AYBA needs your support
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AYBA Account No.: ASB 12-3084-0295814-00
The Landing, Okahu Bay
The Auckland Yacht & Boating Association Inc - AYBA – has lodged submissions and met with the Orakei Local Board in opposition to their decision to close The Landing haul-out and hard stand facilities at Okahu Bay. The AYBA considers this to be valuable Regional Asset! It was developed by Auckland Council to environmental standards and it must be preserved to ensure compliance with Maritime Safety & Biosecurity. The AYBA have lodged an Injunction with the High Court against the Local Board’s decision and the costs to the AYBA are mounting!
Bayswater Marine Precinct
Across the Harbour at Bayswater the land designated as a Marine Precinct has been approved for Intensive Housing! This land was developed as a marina precinct the zoning of which was endorsed by the Environment Court and, following an appeal, the Environment Court decision was upheld by the High Court, for marine related activities – NOT residential! Now that the Unitary Plan permits housing intensification the owner has again sort, and been given approval, by the Auckland Council to develop a Residential Precinct.
The AYBA and others are again appealing to the Environment Court to retain this area as a Marine Precinct with Marine related activities including maintenance and boat storage, the launching ramp and trailer parking to ensure the ongoing access to the Marine environment for all ages and activities. The Bayswater Marina Land is another valuable Regional Asset which must be preserved.