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July 2023 Update

Next Executive & Delegates meeting -
Hope you've checked our new website. Set up and serviced by Jane, our secretary. Lynn now just manages the finances. Communication with our members and the boating public has been a major hindrance with our drive to protect our environment and our access to the foreshore, coastal environment & the Hauraki Gulf. We have been working for the Boating Community for 103 years.

WOWW REGATTA: A great success this year! Next Year’s Dates March 8 - 10, Gulf Harbour Yacht Club

The AYBA is working on the resolution of the submissions lodged earlier but the lack of funding will prevent further action. We have a seemingly endless battle reminding the Auckland Council that this is STILL the “City of Sails” and we intend to keep it that way.

 The AYBA in association with the Auckland Marina Users Association sees that there is a vital need for a Coastal Regional Plan. Prior to the Super City there were 8 Councils in the Auckland Region and over-seeing our coastline and regional parks was the Auckland Regional Council. Today there are 20 Local Boards making local decisions for their area and there is no co-ordinated Regional Plan for the protection of our coastal & marine environment. The foreshore and the facilities are not only important for the health & well-being of the coastal environment but also for the health and well-being of half the population.

 Although Biosecurity Auckland have strong policies for the prevention of the spread of invasive species boat owners are hampered by the lack of facilities to ensure compliance and the Auckland Council re-negs on any responsibility to ensure availability. It may not be their responsibility to provide the facilities but they must ensure the on-going availability of the space. In the Auckland Council’s own words:

“Space in Coastal Locations are increasingly attractive to alternative development!”

Such a policy threatens many of the Club and other facilities currently on “Desirable Coastal Land”.

Auckland’s Unitary Plan endorses “Intensification” – another threat. This is why the AYBA and the Auckland Marina Users Assn. Inc. are demanding a Regional Plan of all our coastal resources for the ongoing and future access to our greatest recreational facility – the Harbour & Gulf.

A. THE LANDING, OKAHU BAY, OFFICIALLY CLOSED ON FEBRUARY 28: The AYBA lodged an injunction with the High court seeking to repeal the Local Boards decision – discussions are on-going but the Local Board has the final decision.

B. BAYSWATER MARINE PRECINCT: The AYBA lodged an appeal with the Environment Court and we have been through the Mediation Process but any further action is restricted by the lack of funds! We attempted to preserve the Marine Precinct and water access for ALL but the Unitary Plan allowed for Residential Development

C. LITTLE SHOAL BAY HARDSTAND IS SCHEDULED TO CLOSE END OF JUNE: An area that catered for the small family craft in a do-it-yourself yard.

D. AMENDMENTS TO THE RMA - BE AWARE: The proposed NATURAL & BUILT ENVIRONMENT Bill – NBE could affect a number of clubs already “earmarked” as endangered by rising sea levels! A submission has been lodged and we have been informed that these hearings have been deferred for a year

E. HAURAKI GULF FORUM: The AYBA will continue to support the Hauraki Gulf Forum in its fight to control the spread of the invasive seaweed species Caulerpa which has now been found on both the Great Barrier and the Mercury Islands. AYBA members attended a meeting on June 12th and were well received.


Remit Direct to: AYBA Account No. ASB 12-3084-0295814-00. And your support on our Facebook will make difference. It will prove the AYBA is not a solitary voice.

Our Next Delegates’ Meeting is Monday July 3rd at the Ponsonby Cruising Club.

Nga Mihi – Kind Regards, from Peter, Blair & Janet on behalf of the AYBA Executive Committee.