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Ensuring “Seaside Access For Everyone” – S.A.F.E.

Of the hearing at the High Court on 18 April whether the decision to close the Hard Stand at Okahu Bay remains we are still awaiting the judge’s decision. Meanwhile much of the facilities have already been removed. This case alone has exceeded our budget for court spending this year.

We are now working towards a mediation hearing of our Appeal to the Environment Court against the loss of marine facilities, including hard stand space and the launching facilities for trailer boats at Bayswater. With the gross shortage of haul out facilities to enable compliance with the bio-security laws for clean hulls and the threatened possible development of our coastal land the AYBA is now focusing on the need for a plan to protect our foreshore and coastal environment for everyone – not just the clubs, but for all who go down to the sea - the Fishers and trailer boats, Swimmers, Paddle Boards, Waka Ama, Kayaking, Yachties (big and small) Dragon boaters, Rowers or those families that simply want fish-n-chips in the park.

This is not a new aim! In 2008 the AYBA’s No.1 focus was to “Save the Hauraki Gulf for future generations”! The key areas were the “Boaties Book” and information for clubs, financial support for clubs with training programmes, Regional resources such as the two radio Channels VHF 4 & VHF 68 (Still owned & maintained by the AYBA) with the main priority being Resource Management in Coastal Areas. For this the budget for legal fees was set at $20,000. (Legal fees in the previous 2 years had been over $30k.)

By 2011 opposing moorings in Woody Bay on Rakino Island had cost $36,000

In 2013 the AYBA joined Yachting New Zealand and the Northern Regional Council opposing extensive areas of fish farming within the Bay of Islands, an area visited by many Auckland Boaties. The AYBA share was $15,700 but the anchorages are still free from obstruction!

The AYBA submissions to the Unitary Plan cost $12,000 shared with RNZYS, Submissions re the West Haven Marine Precinct in 2015 cost almost $40,000 and opposing the “Dolphin” off Queen’s wharf in 2019 cost $46,000. Over the next three years costs were minimal but the recent closure of shore facilities, the serious concerns about bio-security and the threatened development of our coastal environment, Resource Management in our Coastal Areas has again become a major priority and, unfortunately, comes at a cost!

Opposing the Closure of the Landing has seriously exceeded our budget and pursuing the preservation of the Marine Precinct at Bayswater will require serious funding. Towards this a sub-committee of the AYBA has been set up to work towards funding the future of “SEASIDE ACCESS FOR EVERYONE” (S.A.F.E.) all those who use the foreshore and coastal environment for their sport and recreation and their health and well-being:

the fishers and trailer boats, Swimmers, Paddle Boarders, Waka Ama, Kayaking, Yachties (big and small) Dragon boats, Rowers or those families that simply want fish-n-chips in the park.

This Sub-Committee of the Auckland Yachting & Boating Association Inc. (AYBA) is has taken the title of “The Coastal Strategy Team” (CST) and has been formed to give their support to the AYBA under the banner of “SEASIDE ACCESS FOR EVERYONE” (S.A.F.E.)

The primary aim of “The Coastal Strategy Team” is to grow the funds to cover the current legal fees and to continue to assist the AYBA with the Resource Management in our Coastal Areas and the protection of our Coastal Environment not just for today but for tomorrow, and the next years so our children’s children can continue to have access to what WE all have NOW:


Auckland Yacht & Boating Association Inc. have submitted and appealed, and will continue to do so, on your behalf, the Limitations on Moorings outside mooring zones, the Harbour Bylaws, location and management of fishing zones, Marine Mammals, Bio-security, what ever threatens…

 To continue to fight for all parties the Auckland Yacht & Boating Association Inc. needs your support now.